Stimulate your child’s oral sensory needs with a flexible, high-quality B-Buddy chew toy that’s gentle on their teeth, gums, and tongue.
When your child struggles with tension, stress, or anxiety it can lead to biting, oral sensitivities, jaw clenching, and other oral sensory challenges. That’s why we developed a smart, flexible chew toy known as the B-Buddy. Shaped like a small B and formed with a high-density, kid-safe material that’s durable enough to withstand biting, chewing, and bending our sensory toys are made to help them satisfy those needs fast.
Soft, Stimulating Handheld Chew
Designed to be held with a single hand these B-shaped chew toys offer oral sensory stimulation with smooth or textured designs. They’re made for oral desensitization, oral seekers, and tactile sensory seekers who need help with motor control, jaw strength and endurance, or basic stimulation that keeps kids from chewing on toys, fingernails, pencils, or even clothing.
Product Details:
Get one of these calming oral sensory stimulation toys today by clicking Add to Cart now and give your child a soft, flexible, chewable toy that helps them let go of stress or tension safely.